Thursday 21 March 2013

Authors Message

William Golding, the author of Lord of the Flies, has a very clear message, he wants his readers to know that every person has a sort of "savage" inside of them, a person who thirsts power over others. This thought reverts to the theme of how everyone is capable of evil, and that it is only society's rules that keep individuals from acting on that evil. To express this thought, he uses children, who are thought to only be happy, and incapable of murder. He also tries to convey the fact that the minors in the book did not have any adult, or senior, which they can follow and look up to, and in these circumstances they had to choose a chief, which even in our current world is very hard to fulfill with unanimous decision and liking.  The part that I really loved in his message was that he symbolized the beast, and that was a symbol that the beast was the lord of the flies, who is inside of every human, he explains that the thing that boys feared was already amongst them.

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