Thursday 21 March 2013

Lord of the Flies Society vs Our Society

Even though Lord of the Flies is just a fictional story, many of the issues faced by the boys are injustices we see today. Lord of the Flies was published in 1954. During its writing process, World War II was currently going on, which Golding had participated in. Inspired by the true evil nature of humans, he was able to write such a book, Lord of the Flies. This post describes on how they symbolical characters and events of Lord of the Flies relates to our daily society. 

The conch was the most important symbol that Golding used in the novel. Originally, whoever held the conch, they had the right to speak. It showed freedom, and right to speak. When blown, all the boys would respond to it. This was when their civilization was still intact. Then as is started to fall apart, the colour of the conch starts to fade, and so did it's use and effects, showing how the right to speak was being abolished and freedom was being taken away.  In many societies, people can not voice their thoughts and express themselves. They don't have that right and Golding described that injustice with the conch, as Piggy was rejected from the conch's effects. While everything was going smoothly, the system became corrupt like current world politics, and rights started to linger and become more variant.

Jack was the person who was always going out and seeking more power, and due this there was always a power imbalance. He didn't want to be under Ralph's supervision, as he wanted to be chief, so he made his own tribe where he welcomed more people to join, using oppression. When doing this he gains more power, and he threatens and forces outsiders of his tribe and abuses the ones that joined. He will never let anyone gain more power than him, and that's where he uses oppression. This is an example of a typical dictator and a party that is known to be "good", and as the dictator threatens others to join him, he gains more power, and it ends with the dictator winning.

In Lord of the Flies, oppression was a big factor, and oppression  is an issue today. Gay couples are discriminated and oppressed, as they are different from society. They do not have the same rights as straight people, and laws show that they may not be able to marry in areas of the world, and they may be detained or restricted from societal events. Jack in the story abuses his tribe members, like they are slaves and must do whatever he says. In the story, the littluns are known to be foolish, insolent kids who are no use, due to their age, and this stereotype is used in current society where kids or the elderly are left out of the equation when it comes to doing certain jobs. 

Lord of the flies is a book that was written in 1954. Though it may be an old book, William Golding did represent all events with certain events that were going on currently then, and may still be going on currently now, and the book still shows what humans are capable of, they may be able to sustain, or ruin.

1 comment:

  1. This is really great information. Do you mind if I use some in an essay, Ill make sure to cite you.


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