Tuesday 19 March 2013

Lord of the Flies: Social Injustices

  • The conch at first was the item that brought the boys together so it was regarded as sacred. To give it a role in their society Ralph decided to make it the object that gave a person the permission speak. Whoever had it could talk, whoever didn't couldn't. Later, the conch became an item which was only allowed to certain people including Jack, Ralph and the hunters. The conch began to mute the people that didn't fit that description. Some due to their fears of the beasts and others who weren't determined to speak up. But, as time passed the conch soon lost its power. Jack didn't use the rules of the conch on his territory, when Piggy tried to use the conch on Castle Rock it was of no use. 
  •  Jack is running a dictatorship where he keeps himself above all others. He always wants to look like he is better and he always wants to feel like he is better.  He also doesn't let his tribe express their ideas but those who came by choice stayed because they receive meat as bribery. Jack also forces people to do things against their will; he forced some of Ralph's closest friends, (the twins) to join his tribe and to work for him. Finally Jack is truly a dictator because of the way he brought himself towards the top, by forcing, and cheating.
  • Jack opposes anyone who gets in his way. He finds ways to manipulate the other boys and when someone steps up and gets in the way of his process, he, in some way oppresses them so they can not obtain any more power over him. Examples of such:
    • When Simon found out that there was no such beast, during the time when Jack was manipulating the others with this thought of the beast, he killed Simon, so the truth would never be exploited and Jack could continue going up the ladder.
    • After taking Piggy's glasses away, that was a symbol of Jack taking his knowledge away, because without his glasses Piggy could not see, and therefore was not much use later on.
    • By the time most of the people joined Jack, he called Ralph a coward for not being able to hunt for the beast, and when he did this, the remaining boys also believed Jack and left Ralph.
  • During the beginning of the story, after Ralph was appointed as Chief, he gave the responsibility of the hunters to the choirboys and their leader, Jack. This position, "hunter" became more prestigious throughout the book as Jack began to start his dictatorship, as they were the only people who had the stature to hold the conch (later on) other than Jack and Ralph. Anyone could of had this position and it was an injustice for the choirboys to receive it.
    • The hard and risky jobs were given to the biguns as they were the most fit for the position, and the lilnuns were usually never doing anything that they were supposed to do as they were mere kids who spent their days eating and playing. The only people who did real work was Jack, Ralph, Samneric, Simon, and Piggy, as most of the others chose not to.

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