Tuesday 2 April 2013

Journal Entry # 1 (Ralph)


It's over, I'm going to die, and that's it. I'm trembling with sweat running down every part of my body, all I can think of is if I am going to die like my fellow friends Piggy and Simon. All I hope for is to die peacefully, but knowing that this island is going to hell, and with it, Jack Meridew. I hope he gets punished for going against me and screwing up, everything that I had in my grasp, by sabotaging me and my strengths, and luring more and more children to join his tribe. All I can tell is that Jack Meridew was never like us, he may have had the intention to leave the island at first, but now all he wants to do is run his own civilization, and get rid of anyone in his way. Hes gotten every kid on the island on his side, and the ones who stay are killed, and all he offers is pig meat in return for their servitude.

But in a way, I feel what he is going through, I understand that us boys should not be given such responsibility  because we can't even look over ourselves properly, and that is why a rebel came out of him, out of everyone, which gave a negative influence. 

Though I still live, at the moment, I most certainly might be dead before anyone lays hands on this book, and if anyone does read this, I want them to understand that we had something going, we had leaders, jobs and ideas onto how to get back home, back to civilization. And that there is something I learned on this island, no matter how cool, or cunning you are, you have to know how to survive, in any condition, without hesitation. Even though I am hiding, i'm not hiding because I know i'm going to die, I am hiding because my instinct tells me that nowhere is safe anymore. I hope I don't die though, but then again it would be nice to see Piggy, and maybe even Simon, and be able to watch this island rot and burn, with Jack aboard. 

Now that was the last journal seen from Ralph, our protagonist. Ralph was a boy, who had the attributes of a leader, he knew how to get around problems and lead the rest of the people. For a young boy, Ralph showed great determination and bravery as his goal was to get home. He had a well-shown creative aspect which helped on his way to build fires etc. I chose this scenario, the end  of the book, where Jack has either killed or manipulated every last on of Ralph's people.  Which led Ralph into hiding, with Jack and his followers on his tail. 

This was a vital journal because it gives a recap of the climax, and as well gives a vivid description of Ralph on his verge to death, and how far Jack had gone just to become the leader, and start a civilization. It was fairly easy to create the journal for Ralph, because of his leader-like attributes and his maturity towards the others. All i needed to do though was show a scared but strong character who knew what was coming for him.

1 comment:

  1. im doing this project for school and I just wanna know if 1 page equals a journal entry cause I have to do 40 on ralpph


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