Tuesday 2 April 2013

Journal Entry #3 (Piggy)

Dear Journal,
I write to you now from an island that I have reasoned is somewhere near the equator in the Atlantic ocean. We crash landed here during the evacuation from England. My auntie told me that I would be safe once I had gotten on the plane. I don't think that we are safe here, especially without my inhaler. I have told the others about my asthma but they don't seem too concerned. I shall now tell you about the others. The first boy I met once I had woken up (I was unconscious after the crash) was Ralph. I was about to introduce myself but he fixated on my terrible nickname as all people my age do. He didn't worry about our predicament until I explained to him that the adults probably don't even know that we're missing, let alone searching for us.

After that we found a way to call the other boys to the beach where we were. Ralph blew a conch shell even better than my friend ever blew his! I wanted to make myself useful while Ralph was calling everyone. I tried to remember each and every person's name as they joined us. After some stragglers showed up Jack's choir marched onto the beach. Jack was the leader of his choir and I must say I admired their discipline. They followed him completely. I was worried that Jack and Ralph were practically going to have a fist fight over leadership but the kids all voted for Ralph (except the choir of course) so it didn't come to that. I agreed with Ralph when he told Jack that rescue was far more important than hunting and killing.

Now we keep on trying to get the others to work but they don't care, all they want to do is frolic and run and play like kids. They don't understand that work needs to be done, if surviving is in everyone's interest. At this point the only people working are Ralph, Jack, Simon and I. And Simon wanders off most of the time.  These kids need to understand that in order to survive, they need to work, and listen to the chief and I. Even though everything seems normal, I sense that bad things may happen on the island. I'll do my best to keep this journal updated, and when I'm home I hope to publish it.  
Piggy out.

This is the journal of out protagonist's right-hand man, Piggy. Piggy is a sort of character who wants to help get the job done, he and Ralph were the ones who were carrying the workforce to do what was their ideal mission, get back home. I chose Piggy because he is the one who handles things with brains, while he is physically declined. This journal was written after the jobs were settled and the direction on what to do was determined. 

I used the characteristics of a smart but inactive person, and then used the fact that hes more of a momma's boy and then I thought of how he would react to people not doing what they were told, and then I was able to write Piggy's journal in role.

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