Monday 1 April 2013

Newspaper 2

The above new article was made by me. This article discuses the social injustice of dictatorship and thirst for power. I also used and interesting perspective on how the article would be written. I made the article so that the readers would know the authors were Sam and Eric, two twins who were some of the only survivors on the island. It just how unjust he is using bribery, manipulation, and threats to force people to do his dirty work o his reign into stealing more power.

This article shows readers that this book, and of course the creator of the book, are very intelligent and creative by setting up a scenario with a child like Jack in it.  It praises the fact that lord of the flies, is a book showing kids on an island, and what in fact they can do with all the responsibility of adults and the behavior of immature children. This does no affect my perspective on this novel. The reason is that when I was going to read this book, I knew my fate (in the book) was to read an outline with such characters as Jack, this news article may want me to read this book even more! (If I hadn't already)


  1. Hi Neloy, good work on your blog!

    To start off, I like how you chose Samneric as the authors of the newspapers. This allows for the reader to see what life on the island is like from a civilized person’s point of view, with Jack being the abusing the rest of the boys. The article addresses the current situation on the island and how it developed – how Ralph had been leader, but Jack slowly began to obtain more power (as you had said, “-Jack began to get thirstier for power”). This article gives an honest opinion of what kind of person Jack truly is. When reading this article, I feel you had a good understanding of a description of Jack, and went briefly into the exsiting conflict on the island by stating, “Ralph got more power and praised upon, Jack began to get thirstier for power.” I feel you go somewhat go into the conflict between Ralph and Jack, which is really the battle between civilization vs. savagery.

    This newspaper is able to help the reader understand some of the important messages and themes within the story. By stating how Jack is thirsty for power, you address the message of the human nature generally acting only in a way for personal gain. By stating the Jack gets to swear, to play war games, to hunt and paint his face, you address the author’s message about the natural evil that exists within all human beings, and that Jack is the main symbol of savagery. As well, with kids creating a newspaper to address the current issue of how terrible life on the island is, your further help the reader understand how cruel the human nature is, if one person is treating all these little boys so poorly. Despite providing lots of knowledge on the life of the boys on the island, and the book’s themes and messages, I still think your language when writing newspapers requires some work.

    Overall, you’ve written a good newspaper article that provides a lot of information about what life on the island is like. As well, you’ve written an article that addresses the messages and themes of Lord of the Flies. Good job Neloy!


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