Tuesday 2 April 2013

Journal Entry #2 (Jack Meridew)

Jack Meridew

What happened? Are we stranded on this island or something? Well, whatever happened, I guess I'm on an island now with a bunch of other kids, like Ralph. That Ralph kid seems to think he's our leader or something, but I guess he got that title fair and square. But how come he's calling me "Jack" now? I told him, I'm Meridew! And I told him I wanted to be chief, but Ralph just stole that position from me! Well, no sense in worrying about it.

And who's this Piggy kid? Well, it doesn't matter; he's just a fat idiot. What didn't he understand when Ralph, Simon and I were going into the woods to collect some firewood? We told him three people were enough, so why did he keep saying he wanted to come!
After we finally lost Piggy, the three of us found a rocky part of the beach with a large mountain. For whatever reason, the three of us decided to climb it. We finally got to the top after having to go through a bunch of problems on the way up. We got a clear view of the whole island and found the quickest way back down. It was up there that we decided we needed to start hunting very soon. We started by going through a thick jungle where we saw a piglet entangled in some vines. That would have been a great time to strike the piglet with a knife and get food from it, but I didn't. The fact is,  I was way to agitated by Ralph, and I guess I just wasn't in the mood to kill it, but I'll kill one next time, don't you worry about it.

A while after that, Ralph blew our conch and started the first meeting on the top of the mountain. At that meeting, Ralph established the fact that we were on an uninhabited island and that we would have to look after ourselves. Ralph also came up with the idea of only one person talking at a time, so whoever has the conch shell would be the one to talk. I tried to tell everyone there would be rules on this island, but that only created an uproar. Then that stupid Piggy brought up the idea that no one knows we're stranded and no one is coming to rescue us. Ralph claimed he was just getting to that, but told us that the island we were on was a good island.

The meeting got out of control when one of the little kids got the conch and started talking about this giant snake in the woods that he calls "Beastie". What the heck is he talking about! The kid said beastie only came out at night, but Ralph said that he shouldn't have been able to see it. Ralph found out the kid wouldn't believe him, so he instead said that while we're on the island, we might as well have fun. He then ranted on about his dad being in the Navy.
After the meeting, I went with Ralph and some other kids to collect some firewood. Ralph made it really clear that I should be keeping a close on the fire at all times. Just in case a ship happens to come by, Ralph wants a fire to be ready so the ship can see us. Ralph and I crashed the heavy logs when we got to the top of the mountain for firewood, and for whatever reason, we both started laughing.

Unfortunately, we had nothing to start a fire with once we got the wood, but Ralph seemed to have an idea. He took Piggy's specs and started using the sun's glare to start a small fire. Ralph and I saw a fire starting, and we both started blowing on it to make the fire start. Piggy was having a meltdown and complaining that he couldn't see without his specs, but I could care less. We got fire! Everybody, including the littluns, was rushing to get firewood to keep the fire burning. But it was noted that there was no smoke, so no one would see us. Then that fat oaf Piggy started complaining about it and that we made a fire that was no good. I can't remember how many times I had to tell him to shut up. He thinks he can say what he wants just because he has the conch. The idiot! Doesn't he know it doesn't matter when we're not on the island during a meeting?
I decided to split up my hunting team, and part of that group would be responsible for making sure the fire would still go strong.
The scariest part of the whole thing was that the little kid with the paint all over his face was nowhere in sight when that huge fire was burning. Was he in those woods when the fire was burning and that tree exploded? I seriously hope he was not in those woods when that all happened.

I can tell this is going to be a terrible time on the island. Ralph certainly seems like a competent leader, but I can't stand that Piggy kid. And what is with the littluns saying that this giant snake they call "beastie" is living in the woods. There is no way a giant monster like that can exist. Surely they know that?

This was the journal of our antagonist, Jack Meridew, well at least before he had the properties of an antagonist. Jack is the sort of person who wants to do things against the rules, without parents to get in his way, and being stranded on an island was a great option with that criteria. The setting of the Journal is at the beginning of the book, where Jack and his choirboys meet up with Ralph, Piggy and some others. The journal gives his opinion on what was happening in the introduction, and how he felt about it. This part of the book was very vital, as this the pre-rising action, before Jack turns into a savage, so get a good  look at this profile, because it is going to go in a few chapters!

I conjured up this journal by thinking of the type of person that Jack is throughout the overall book, and then I tried using those attributes with typical emotions and then add the setting to the profile and then I got Jack's journal. 

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